Quite often in stock trading, investors search for specific patterns or trends as a predictive mechanism for future prices. One such commonly used pattern is the ‘W’ trading pattern. This pattern is a particular form of technical analysis that traders use to identify and potentially profit from market trends.
The W trading pattern is named after its characteristic shape, which resembles the letter “W”. It consists of two distinct price dips within a specific stock, fund or index’s activity. The pattern signals a bullish market condition implying an expected uptrend. Traders usually acknowledge this as a buying opportunity, searching for these signals to maximize their capital.
Anatomy of the W Trading Pattern
Essentially, the W pattern consists of five pivotal points labeled A-E. Point A indicates the initial high price, after which the price declines to point B, forming the first leg of the ‘W’. Point C is a rebound and signals a temporary increase in price. The following decline is point D, aligning in relative price proximity to point B and creating the second leg of the ‘W’. The price then rises, achieving a new high (point E), culminating in the formation of a classic ‘W’ trading pattern.
Key Features of the Pattern
True Double Bottoms: Both bottoms (B & D) should be roughly equal. A significant difference between them could render the pattern ineffectual.
Volume Trend: Usually, there’s higher trading volume during the formation of the first bottom and lower volume on the second bottom’s formation.
Breakout: The ‘W’ pattern confirms a bullish signal after breakout above the middle peak (C), usually followed by increased volume.
Trading Strategy
To successfully trade the ‘W’ pattern, traders usually wait until the price breaks above the high of the middle peak. They then enter a long position, expecting the price to continue its upward trend. The trader can set a stop-loss order below the most recent low for risk limitation, while the profit target could be approximately the height of the ‘W’ pattern. Each trader needs to adapt these general strategies to their specific risk tolerance and trading goals.
Why does the W Trading Pattern Work?
As with most charting techniques, the W pattern works because it uncovers the psychological aspects of investors. The pattern depicts an ongoing battle between bears and bulls. After the failure of the bears to push the price lower after the second attempt (the formation of point D), the bulls seize control and drive the price up, enforcing the bullish market psychology.
You can find a comprehensive guide about W Trading Pattern on BrokerExtra financial blog which includes a description of the pattern, how to trade it and more. As with any trading technique, there are no guarantees that the W pattern will work in all instances. To be successful at trading this pattern, it is important to understand how it works and why it works before applying it to your own investment strategy.
In Conclusion
Understanding the ‘W’ trading pattern can offer opportunities for potential profitability and risk mitigation. However, like all trading strategies, it doesn’t provide a guarantee. Trading requires continuous learning, refining strategies, and understanding that patterns are helpful tools, not foolproof systems. Consequently, utilizing these patterns in conjunction with other analytical tools could indeed help create more robust and effective trading strategies.